personal private VPN for gamers, streamers, online streaming and everything else
what connexvpn vpn do?
connexvpn is a personal privacy VPN that for gamers, streamers, online streaming and everything else
limited, restricted, private and customizable
benefits of using a vpn
block online griefers, modders or unwanted gamers, watch online streaming
with shared accounts, surf the web anonymously,
allows you to manage who's on your network and more
browse the Internet safely, paying bills, and more ...
can prevent DDoS attacks and unwanted gamers to disturb your gaming experience
watch online shows and movie anywhere in the world
no extra cost
this feature is built-in and will not cost you extra money every month
improve access
some websites might block you if you regularly change your ip
your own dedicated ip
get an ip only you can use.
this can prevent certain services to block you if your ip always changes
what is a dedicated ip
a dedicated ip is a unique ip address only you can use.
this ip rarely, if ever, changes.
most vpn providers will change this address when connecting to their network
ready to start?
browser the internet from the comfort of your home
protect all your devices and surf the web or play games safely