© copyright 2022-2024 connexvpn. All rights reserved.

(modified) Designed with love by Xiaoying Riley for developers

General API


connexvpn provides a simple API across all our products an admin and users can use.

users can

  • read and update their account information
  • read game information
  • create, read and update api token
  • read policies

admin can

  • create, read, update, and delete account information
  • create, read, update, and delete account information for any users
  • install, remove, update games, game services
  • create, read and update api token
  • create, read and update api token for any users
  • create, read, update, and delete policies
  • monitor all Resources
  • customize service
  • read logs
  • and more

Getting started

in order to access any API endpoint, you first need to generate an API token.

to generate an api token:

  1. log into https://anex.connexvpn.com
  2. navigate to API / Token page
  3. then generate a new token

Sample request

once you have your api token, you can make a request, for example

curl \
	-X GET \
	-H "CX-API-Token: {my-generated-token}" \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \