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(modified) Designed with love by Xiaoying Riley for developers

uninstalling a game

using the api

you can uninstall a game by running the following command


curl \
	-H "CX-API-Token: {my-generated-token}" \
	-H "Accept: application/json" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \


status and messages

http code status message
200 uninstalled the game was successfully uninstalled
201 uninstalled the game is currently in the process of uninstalling
400 Bad Request the request could not be understood or was missing required parameters
401 Unauthorized invalid token provided
404 Not Found the game was not found
426 Upgrade Required the system needs to be updated or not enough resources available
500 Internal Server Error something went wrong, please contact your administrator
	"id": 1,
	"name": "Minecraft",
	"version": "1.20.1",
	"status": "uninstalled",
	"message": "the game was successfully uninstalled",